[プロセスワークの学生対象、英語のみ] Supervision Group: Making Your Processwork Practice Trauma-Informed
10:00-11:45 PST
This supervision group is for those working with individuals and couples using the Processwork paradigm and wishing to make their practice more trauma-informed. I hope to help the participants recognize signs of trauma and gain new perspectives and skills compatible with their process-oriented approach.
I have gained ample experience working with trauma in the last several years, but I’m still exploring how to combine my Processwork practice and various ideas and tools that are helpful to work with trauma. So this group has a flavor of laboratory where we learn together.
There won’t be any lectures, but I will present some ideas and tools during the discussion whenever appropriate.

Dates (all groups start at 10 am and end at 11:45 am PST)
Fees: $60 per session ($50 for students of any Processwork programs)
There will be a few sliding-scale spots available. Please write to me if you are interested.
Maximum number of participants: 10
If you are interested, write me at [email protected] with the dates you want to attend. Looking forward to learning with many of you.