Dreams, the Body, and ChatGPT: A New Approach to Dream Interpretation with Generative AI
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dialogue-with-dreams-using-chatgpt-and-body-awareness-to-understand-your-dreams-tickets-1038669176467
“Could there be important messages hidden in our dreams?”
Have you ever felt that way?
Dreams often carry meaningful messages for us, but interpreting them usually requires specialized training. Recently, I tried asking ChatGPT to interpret a dream, and its analytical skills were surprisingly impressive. It showed potential as a tool for deepening self-understanding through dreams without extensive training. However, I found that AI interpretations alone could feel a bit lacking when it comes to applying them in daily life.
In this workshop, I will introduce a unique approach to dream interpretation that combines ChatGPT’s analytical capabilities with body-based awareness for a richer understanding of dreams.
What You’ll Gain from This Workshop
- Basic knowledge about dreams and their meanings
- Insights into the potential and limitations of AI for dream interpretation
- Effective ways to interpret dreams using ChatGPT (how to use prompts)
- Practical methods to deepen AI interpretations through body awareness, making them more applicable to daily life
What You’ll Need to Join
- Curiosity about the potential of dreams and AI (no prior knowledge required)
- An account with ChatGPT or another generative AI (a free account is fine)
- A recent dream (whatever you remember)
- Please keep your camera on for psychological safety
Date and Time: Friday, November 15, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (PST)
Location: Online (A Zoom link will be sent two days before the class)
Fee: $50
Contact: [email protected]
Maximum Participants: 12
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dialogue-with-dreams-using-chatgpt-and-body-awareness-to-understand-your-dreams-tickets-1038669176467
Important Notices
This workshop will be recorded for the instructor’s learning purposes. Some portions may be shared publicly, but participants’ privacy will be fully protected in any shared content.
Please note that the instructor may not be able to answer technical questions.